Learn more about deploying Node apps to Azure. Then it solved the issue but is there any single command to install all of the them at once? Did you enjoy this article? Also we use the pm2 tool to deploy. The repository urls listed below contain bug fixes to official releases of HAPI. For example, consider the following resource:. How I solved the problem is:

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The Spring confguration contains a definition for a bean called daoConfigwhich will look something like the following:. I thought about running npm install npm -g to force the latest version of NPM, and insrall similar for Node itself, but I really didn’t want to monkey around with the web app’s virtual machine potentially breaking things.

For example, you might refer to the ValueSet http: Kudu will look for your package.


I was having the same error. Took me a few minutes to realise my blunder. In order to perform a migration using this functionality, the following steps should be followed:. This implementation uses a fairly simple table design, with a single table being used to hold resource bodies which are stored as CLOBs, optionally GZipped to save space and a set of tables to hold search indexes, tags, history details, etc.

I don’t want to install globally since there are other projects that depend on a stable version of faye. The process for building all of the files to run this app goes like this: Sometimes it is convenient to get the latest source of HAPI that is not yet in an official release. According to the NPM docs, NPM checks to see if that specific variable is set to productionand if so, it will only install production packages. Did ‘npm install’ run OK?

After pulling down a module from GitHub and following the instructions cuold build it, I try pulling it into an existing project using:.

Everything that went wrong when deploying my Node + Hapi app to Microsoft Azure

Also we use the pm2 tool to deploy. This module uses the JPA 2.

To reduce that all into one single command, I just set isntall project. This problem only appeared when the code was deployed on our Linux server.

It was clear that I had to reduce my npm start script to just the single command that would start the server, but my app still needed to be built. When my Gulp task minifies CSS, it apparently tries to process all font imports by downloading the files directly. The recent release of version This will take care of restarting the server for us when we change a file.

Under many normal scenarios this is a n acceptable performance tradeoff, but in some cases it is not. My saving grace was Kudu’s hqpi dashboard that runs on every Azure web app.

How do I resolve “Cannot find module” error using ? – Stack Overflow

Secondly, after trying the thw step, I faced a couple of other errors, and so, have written the solution of those too. You can access it by browsing to https: Chris 2, 20 Hopefully it’s clear now that if you have production code, hap can’t rely on NPM actually maintaining your dependencies for you. So the main pm2 daemon starts with Node. Again, I got the same “module not found” error that killed the deployment.

Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. Go to myApp folder and then type below command from terminal.

HAPI Installation

The problem is that Azure apparently can’t do concatenated commands, it can only do one command at a time. I was hali to publish my own package and then include it in another project. So – in the odd chance that none of the other solutions here are solving your problem, triple check that you’re not mis-casing the characters in your included filename!

If you want to disable caching, you have two options:

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